At New Hope, we want to make it easy for you to grow in your faith, connect with others, discover your purpose, and make a difference with your life. Take a moment to learn about some of the next steps you can take in your spiritual growth as you connect to our church family.
Newcomers Connect
If you are new to New Hope Church, we would like to invite you to join us for our monthly Newcomers Connect. It's the perfect opportunity learn more about the ministries and opportunities at New Hope, meet others who are new to our church, while you get to meet the pastors and staff, and enjoy some refreshments. It's a 20-minute meeting where you can become known and easily take another step if desired.

The meeting days for Newcomers Connect and the Growth Track are usually on the same every month, but check out the events page to confirm. They both take place in room #114, which is by the Guest Services table in the foyer.

Once you're ready to take the next step to grow spiritually and get connected at New Hope, make plans to attend the Growth Track. Through this 2-part series of classes you will have an opportunity to learn about who we are as a church, discover your gifts and purpose, and find opportunities to serve to make a difference. If you’d like more info about these classes and when we offer them, check out our Growth Track page.
At New Hope we believe God has created everyone uniquely with spiritual gifts, talents, passions and personalities to ultimate serve and make a difference. There's a place for everyone to serve inside and outside of the church to make a long lasting impact. Take this next step once you're ready!
Get Involved
As you desire to make New Hope a place called home there is a place for you to serve. First Corinthians 12 expresses how each of us need one another in the body of Christ, so the whole church does what it was intended to do. The best way to serve effectively is by completing the whole Growth Track. Let us know if you want to join the Core Team.